by Pam Boyd

Holes-in-One; Calendar Updates; COVID

Congrats to our VSWGA women that have shot a hole-in-one during State Days. What a lifetime accomplishment! Nice job ladies!
Tracy Webster (Stowe Country Club) – St Johnsbury Country Club State Day Hole #3 
Elaine Percy (Lakeside Golf Club) – Newport Country Club State Day Hole #13
Erika Politano (Ralph Myhre Golf Course ) – Lake St. Catherine Country Club; State Day Hole #3

Calendar State Day Updates
Listed below are upcoming calendar changes worth noting. These are different from what is listed in our member handbook:
8/17 – Stratton (yes, it’s a Monday)
8/17 – Quechee
8/25 – Copley
9/1 – Neshobe
9/8 – Burlington Country Club
9/8 – Haystack
9/14 – Country Club of Vermont (Monday)
9/15 – Links at Lang Farm
9/23 – VGA Scholarship Fund Scramble at Proctor-Pittsford

90th Anniversary Gift
If you haven’t received your VSWGA 90th Anniversary gift yet (the tee bag with rules tags), please see your club rep. If you are a Lakeside member, email info@vswga.org and we will make other arrangements to get the gift to you.   

Starting on August 1, the State has changed it’s mandate on wearing masks https://governor.vermont.gov/press-release/governor-phil-scott-announces-strengthened-mask-requirements.   If you have been golfing at the State Days, you have seen the courses different interpretations of the current guidelines, so after August 1, it is expected that we may see a different interpretation of the new guidelines. 

We can not stress enough that you need to do what you are comfortable with for your safety and well being during this extremely strange and difficult time.  We are trying to manage our events as best we can, but we cannot foresee every situation and we do not know your individual circumstances.  Please come prepared to every event; we trust that you will do what is right for you.