by Pam Boyd
Edith Hiller, Bonnie Heald, Mary Jane Shomo, Diane Ewald, Manchester 2012


As a member of the Vermont State Women’s Golf Association, you are eligible to play in State Days and Championships: State Amateur, Mid Amateur, Senior, and Tri-State tournaments.
State Days are scheduled on Tuesdays–and some Mondays–choose from two or three courses each week. Join a foursome or sign up as a single and we will match you up with other players. It’s a great way to meet golfers from all over Vermont!
VSWGA Frequently Asked Questions
If you are curious, or on the fence about joining, talk to a member about playing in a State Day under our “Bring a Guest” initiative, designed to introduce you to State Days so you can experience it for yourself.

The membership fee is $30 for new members. You can join on-line and pay through our tournament management program.

Players must have a valid USGA handicap (GHIN) in order to participate in State Days or Championships. There is no limit on handicap index for State Days.

Ask your club rep or send an email to VSWGA with any questions: