Covid Policy

by Pam Boyd


The COVID-19 burden is currently lower than at previous points in the pandemic; however, the absolute number of hospitalizations and deaths remains high. Older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at highest
risk for severe illness. If you have COVID-19, you can spread the virus to others. There are precautions that can be taken to prevent spreading it to others: isolation, masking, and avoiding contact with people who are at high risk of getting very sick.

The VSWGA Board expects that its members are pro-active and responsible for ensuring they do not spread the virus to others at events. If you know that you have been exposed, please follow recommended protocols and mask, isolate and test. If you find yourself confirmed with the virus after you have participated in an event, please contact the Club Rep/Tournament Director/Board President and any of your playing partners and others you had close contact with. The Club Rep will alert clubhouse staff of the situation and will only use your name with your permission.

Please refrain from attending events until you are virus negative.