This is an option for all VSWGA golfers. There is no penalty for turning in a scorecard marked “No Card.” We would like to see if increased use of No Cards speeds up our Pace of Play.
A player may wish to use the No Card option if she is just having a bad golfing day, is too frustrated with her play to enjoy the round, or realizes that she is playing much too slowly. The golfer can pick her ball up and move on. Simply put an “X” on the holes where the ball was picked up and write “no card” on scoring line. You absolutely can continue to play with your group even if you “no card”.
We realize that you may be encouraging your club golfer to turn in a complete score to try to get as many points as possible toward the Mae Murray Jones Trophies. Please do not slow play down in order to do this, and don’t let a player get discouraged from coming back. Work with them at your club to help them get less frustrated while playing our tournaments, but not during the State Day. If you have a very frustrated golfer, or a very slow golfer, you may gently remind them of the No Card option. Ultimately it is their decision.
No card scoring:
Golfers who No Card are not eligible to receive points toward state day award certificates, but can win “Closest to the Pin” contests, of which there are two per event.
For No Card scores, Golf Genius will still post an Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) score to GHIN, which is Net Double Bogey for the hole, or 2 over par + the applicable handicap stroke.
If a minimum of 7 holes are not scored per 9, no post will occur. If you score 7 holes per 9, both front and back, an 18-hole score will be posted. If a score is posted to GHIN, the X’s will be replaced with the ESC for the hole, or Net Double Bogey. If a golfer scores all holes, but still wants to No Card, just write the NC in the Total. The score will still be posted to GHIN and if you click on the player’s name in Golf Genius, you will see the adjusted hole scores.
How the scorecard should be marked for a “No Card”:
Mark an X on your card for any hole you do not complete. Mark NC on your card to indicate you have chosen to No Card. NOTE: Scorecards must be turned in and signed by all players in the group. You must still turn in a scorecard if you No Card. You will be marked as Disqualified (DQ) if you do not turn in a card.