The Fall Awards Classic is a fun, end of the season golf tournament. The weather was stellar, and the golf was great. The Country Club of Barre always delivers with a beautiful course, fantastic food and exceptional customer service. But the best part was seeing everyone gathered together after, eating, drinking and reminiscing about the season.
Congrats to the winners (but really we are all winners, aren’t we?!??!) Thanks everyone for a great golf season.
VSWGA President Linda Jane Parson congratulates Tri-State Team Captain Mary Jane Shomo on Vermont’s victory in the Tri-State Championship, an annual competition between Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, hosted this year by Brattleboro Country Club.
The Janet Lang Trophy Individual with the Most State Day Points for 2024: Jeanne Morrissey– 140 points
The Mae Murray Jones Trophy Club with the Most Points for the 2024 Season Division 1 (20+ members) – Brattleboro Country Club – 134 Points
Division 2 (9-19 members) Lake St. Catherine Country Club – 51 points
Lake St. Catherine players, standing, left to right: Sandy Ezzo, Mary Preseau, Alice Crayon, Dayle Burditt, Deb Houghton, Carol Jones. Seated: Maureen Quinn. Absent: Catherine Luke and Kristina Carter.
Division 3 (8 and under players) Montague Golf Club – 60 Points
For the 3d year in a row, Montague won Division 3, winning 60 points
Genevieve Babbit Smith Memorial Trophy Overall winner for individual lowering her handicap the most: Michelle Devino from Cedar Knoll – 28.2% reduction
Division Winners for Lowering Handicapby the greatest percentage