VSWGA Bulletin – July 25, 2024

by Pam Boyd

VSWGA Bulletin – July 25, 2024

Happy Almost August! Fill out your summer calendar with upcoming state days, majors and invitationals. Visit https://vswga.org/calendar/ for the full lineup.

Many of you are seasoned tourney players. Others may still be dipping their toes into golf competition.  Regardless of your experience, there are a few golf etiquette topics to keep in mind. You may know the preferences (or quirks) of some of your close golf buddies, but in tournaments you may get paired up with women that you have never golfed with before.   Things that may not bother your usual group may not work in a tournament foursome.  Some things to keep in mind include:

  • SCORING: Some ladies like to know what their current score is, others don’t want the total until the round is over.  Don’t tell someone that they are “close to breaking 90” unless you are sure that they like to know where they stand. 
  • MORE SCORING: During competitions, State Days included, it is appropriate for others to ask you for your score on each hole.  It’s ok (and sensible) if someone is keeping a master scorecard. And if anyone challenges you on a score, don’t get angry.  Verbally go back through the hole with them and determine the score.   It’s a competition; we need to protect the field and make sure our cards are accurate. 
  • TALKING ABOUT THE SHOT: Don’t compliment a shot until after it’s done moving. Many tournament players will be quite annoyed by “Nice shot!” as they watch their “power fade” take a bounce 10 yards to the right and into a hazard or “Nice putt” before the ball is actually in the hole and instead rims out or comes up a couple inches short on a 3 footer.  While you may think that landing anywhere on the green from 100 yds out is a “great shot”, your competitor may not feel the same way; they may expect to land within 5 feet of the pin every time.  Know your audience. 
  • DISTRACTIONS: Keep yourself still while others are hitting. Be a bit more aware of noises including talking, rattling clubs or crackling potato chip bags while others are in shot prep or at address. Watch your shadow and keep it out of the line of a shot. 
  • ON THE GREEN: A lot of casual players avoid walking through a player’s line, but often step into their “through line” – the line that a ball will roll through if it rolls a few feet past the hole. Don’t do this.    Avoid standing directly behind the hole in the line someone is putting.  And we all love the blingy ball markers, but be ready with a flat marker in case you are marking near someone else’s line.
  • RULES: If you have a question on a rules situation, instead of holding up play to figure out the answer by calling a rules official, you can play two balls for each potential outcome. Decide which one you think is right and play that ball first each subsequent shot.  When your round is finished, ask the pro and mark down the correct score.  Talk to your group about any rules question.  While you may not know the rule, someone in your foursome may be well briefed on it. 
  • PACE OF PLAY: Try to prepare as much as you can for your shot while others are playing.   Get a distance measure ahead of time and have your club ready. You can definitely move ahead of a player as long as you’re off to the side a bit. If you don’t like where someone is standing or parking their cart, just ask them to move. You don’t need to rush when it’s your turn, you just need to be prepared to go when you’re up. If your group is falling behind, ready golf is acceptable. It’s ok to say to something like “hey guys looks like we’re a hole behind so I’m gonna tee off” or “ready golf ok?” Or “Let’s split up to catch up”.  Everyone falls behind on occasion.  Don’t take it as an insult or think that it’s too much pressure if someone in your group is focused on pace of play. Remember: it’s not the total time of your round that counts, but rather the length of time your group comes in after the group ahead of you. Less than 15 minutes is the expectation. Many more tips to speed up pace of play can be found on our website, here.
  • COURSE MANAGEMENT:  Take care of the courses that we are golfing on.  Fix divots, rake the bunkers, and tread gently on the greens.  Be respectful to everyone at the course, i.e. pro shop attendants, course maintenance workers, and restaurant staff.    
  • LOST BALL:  Should you help someone else find a lost ball?  In the name of pace of play, it’s helpful if everyone watches each other’s shots so that any wayward shots are easier to find.  It is good practice to help your playing partners look for a lost ball; however, it’s always a good idea to ask the person if they want help looking for a lost ball.  Sometimes their best option may NOT be to find the ball (think about a ball deep in fescue).  Ask them first.  And remember, only 3 minutes for searching.  It’s ok to say “Honey Boo Boo, it’s been 3 minutes.  We need to move on.”  
  • KINDNESS: Be kind to your fellow golfers.  We never know exactly what someone else is going through in life, so be gentle with others.  And yesterday was “International Self Care Day”.  Be kind to yourself, too. Did you know the average GIR hit for Tour Players is (only) 67%?  And they make 5 ft putts 77% of the time.  Go easy on yourself out there if/when you miss a shot. 

Tell us what you have experienced out on the course.  What else would you recommend?

One of our favorite events of the year is the Fall Awards Classic.  It’s a one-day, 2-person team shamble.  It’s followed-up with a luncheon and season-long award announcements.  

This year the event will be at Country Club of Barre.  The date for the event is Sept 17 (note that this date is correct on the website, but the handbook has it listed as Sept 24).  Registration opens on Friday 7/26 at 7am and it fills up quick, so be sure to mark this date on your calendar. 

At every major, we work hard to get the local press at the event.  Newspapers and TV Stations are briefed on the event details with the hope that they will send out a reporter to cover the event.  If you have a contact at any of the local news agencies, please send us an email at vswgaquestions@gmail.com.   

Similarly, keep your own club aware of our events in your club newsletters.  Send your pro shop a list of the ladies that played in the major or send them a picture from a State Day. Drumming up awareness and interest in the VSWGA is always appreciated.

Have you been thinking about how you might serve the VSWGA? Perhaps as a member of the Board of Directors? We will have three vacancies this fall. The following three members are ending their terms (Mucho Gracias for your service, ladies!!!!):

  • Linda Jane Parson
  • Dana Cassidy
  • Ellen Grimes 

So what is the first step in joining the board? Talk to anyone on the board about your interest and/or submit an application to the board (VSWGA Board Application). You will then be put on the ballot for voting at the annual rep meeting in October.   

Once the board members are elected, the board themselves cooperatively determine the best position fit for everyone.  Board members serve as officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer), as regional liaisons, or as chairs of various committees. See pages 3-5 and the inside cover of the Member Handbook for a list of positions. Board members commit to serving a three-year term, and may serve up to two consecutive terms, according to the VSWGA By-Laws.   

The Board typically meets once a year – approximately one week after the Annual Club Rep Meeting. This year, it’s on Tuesday, October 8th, at Burlington Country Club. The board meets via conference call throughout the winter and early spring, and conducts other business via email. 

Through the generosity and commitment to our VGA Scholarship Fund 2024 Bag Tag program from many of our community members thus far we have raised a total of $2265 toward our goal of $5000, almost half way home!

With the support of individuals and businesses, this program continues to help Vermonters affiliated with golf pursue their dream of attaining a higher education. The VGASF is proud to have awarded more than $1,700,000 to over 530 students since 1964. In 2024 we awarded twelve scholarships to six female and six male Vermont students.  

If you are interested in supporting the VGA Scholarship Fund through purchasing a 2024 personalized bag tag please click the button below!
2024 VGA Bag Tag Donation

VGA Scholarship Fund Board of Trustees


Save the date for these invitationals. So many fun opportunities.  It’s ok to golf 6-7 days a week, right?

July 27 – Brattleboro Country Club Invitational
August 3 – J. P. Larkin Invitational
August 3 – Mt. Anthony Invitational (print flyer) or register online
August 18 – Rutland Virginia Pierce Invitational (print flyer) or register online
August 24 – Champlain Invitational
August 28-30 Spruce Peak, Stowe Invitational
September 14  –  Crown Point Invitational