Delays and Cancellations: Decisions to cancel a State Day are made by the Club Pro, Manager or Course Superintendent based on course conditions. If the VSWGA is notified of a cancellation, an email and text will be sent to players who registered online. If a player has not received an email by the prior evening, it is her responsibility to contact the club to see if a tournament has been cancelled or delayed. Occasionally a course may decide to cancel the morning of the event, so players should check for a cancelation notification prior to arriving at the course. Your registration fee will be refunded in full if an event is cancelled..
Inclement Weather while Playing: In case of storm (thunder & lightning), anyone may leave the course at any time if they feel unsafe. If players are called in due to thunder, take shelter in your car, not in the clubhouse.
Play Stopped: Not all courses have a method of alerting players to stop play. Check with the Pro Shop for their signals. Many Pro Shops use the following:
- Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged note of the siren.
- Discontinue Play after Completion of Hole: Three consecutive notes of the siren.
- Resume Play: Two short notes of the siren.
If play is halted by the Pro Shop, all players must stop play and come in of the course at that time. Players may not choose to finish their round at that time. If a State Day is interrupted and not resumed due to inclement weather, Award Points and Closest to the Pin will only be awarded if at least half of the players completed all 18 holes.