Diane Eastman Jones
October 26, 1933 – February 1, 2025

An incredible life of extraordinary kindness, service, and humble achievement came to a close February 1, 2025 with the passing of Diane Eastman Jones of North Hampton, NH from complications of multiple system atrophy. She was a friend to all, and to know her was to love her. This irrepressible (impossible to control) rascal lady was truly a woman for all seasons, whose zest for life and service was unparalleled, and an inspiration for all. A mother whose deep and enduring love and devotion for each of her children and their mates was unconditional and unrelenting.
Diane was born in St. Johnsbury, VT on October 26, 1933, the daughter of Dr. Cyrus Darling Eastman and Grace Abernethy Eastman. A graduate of Woodsville High School, she attended the University of Vermont, where she captained the 1951 women’s ski team, and graduated with a B.S. degree in Psychology.
Learning was a constant in her life. Diane earned a master’s degree in Marine Zoology at UNH, where she was elected into the prestigious Society of Sigma Xi (devoted to the promotion of research in science). Her many other inquisitive endeavors included such things as real estate fundamentals and appraising (she had her own real estate agency), volunteering as an EMT (she was an original volunteer EMT in North Hampton), automobile mechanics (oil changes OK, brake changes and tune-ups, not so good), typing and introduction to computers (she was dangerous at it), tap dancing (in her mid-60s, she was the oldest in her class of 6-14 year olds), woodworking (she built a huge bureau and a hutch) and the list goes on.
She married her “favorite boyfriend,” Dick, in 1958, settling in North Hampton in 1962, where she raised four children and one husband, plus numerous cats, collies, and shelties. In 1973, she became a USPS rural mail carrier in North Hampton. This was a perfect match — an early morning start, plenty of exercise, and most of all, serving the people. She alerted others when people did not meet her for their mail delivery, when they needed help, and even helped to identify and apprehend armed house robbers.
Along the way she became involved in town affairs, serving 19 years on the North Hampton School Board (five years as the Chairwoman) where she was instrumental in ensuring and implementing Title 9 (equal sports programs for women). She also served on the town’s Budget Committee, Safety Committee, Ambulance Corps. (as a volunteer EMT), and the Supervisory Union No. 21 Joint School Board.
Diane was a lifelong, strong athlete. After retiring in 1994, Diane embraced her love of skiing, returning to ski instructing and becoming a ski EMT and a Ski Patrol member. She resumed her racing career, and in 1996 qualified for the North American Alpine Masters Championships held in Sunday River in Maine. Although injured 2 weeks prior and could not race her best event (downhill), she placed 4th in the Slalom and Giant Slalom, racing against the best women in their 60s from eastern and western America and Canada.
Her ski racing came to an abrupt end in 1997. For ski conditioning, she rowed singles in the summer, and she qualified and placed for several years in the Head of the Charles and other regattas. However, that dedication to intense training also created stress and wear resulting in a hip replacement revision which made skiing too risky to resume.
If skiing was her love, then golf became her passion. She summered at her beloved, lifelong camp at Harvey’s Lake in East Barnet, VT, playing out of the St. Johnsbury Golf Club where she had a special group of friends. A member of the Vermont State Women’s Golf Association, she played in the annual Tri-States Championships (ME, NH, VT) for many years and never lost a point.
Diane wintered in Lehigh Acres, FL, playing at least 18 holes a day with her Fairways III friends any day the temperature was above 50° . It was there Diane made her 4th Hole in One at the age of 86!
Diane’s legacy lives on with the lives of her family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing her. She leaves us with much love, outlandish memories, and the grateful gift that she enriched so many lives. Her love, goodness, wisdom and graciousness are deeply missed and will be forever remembered.
She is survived by her husband of 66 years, Colonel Richard Jones, USAF retired, of North Hampton, sister-in law, Margery Jones of Berwick, ME, and Diane and Dick’s children and their families: Liz and Chris Taylor of Lee, NH (Kinsman, married to Abby Collinsworth, and son Easton of North Hampton, NH; and Lex, married to Will Rose of Cambridge, MA), Sandra Jones and Suzannah Pogue of North Hampton, NH, Susan Jones (and son Ansel) of Freeport, ME, and James and Susan Jones of Rye, NH (Alyxandra, married to Chris Sawyer of Hampton, NH, and Kylie Whitehouse of Rye, NH).
A wake will be held at the Remick Gendron Funeral Home-Crematory in Hampton, NH on Friday, February 7th between 5 pm and 7 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the University of Vermont Foundation – Women’s Ski Team. Please visit www.RemickGendron.com to view Diane’s memorial website, sign her tribute wall or for directions.
Published in Portsmouth Herald/Foster’s Daily Democrat/Seacoast Sunday, Portsmouth Herald/Foster’s Daily Democrat/Seacoast Sunday