2023 VSWGA Amateur Championship

by Pam Boyd
VSWGA Amateur Championship
July 31, August 1 & 2, 2023
Mt. Anthony Country Club, Bennington
Barb Masterson hit her first hole-in-one today on the 2d hole!

What a beautiful day to be golfing in Vermont! Just ask Barb Masterson, who put the ball in the hole on #2 today for her first ever hole-in-one. What an exciting way to get the Amateur Championship started!

A big thank you to the crew at Mt. Anthony for all the work to repair and recover from the storm over the weekend. The course is in wonderful shape, and the views of the green mountains were spectacular.

It turns out the women of Vermont came to play some great golf as well. Leading the field, with a 1 below-par 70, was Hailey Katona of Bellows Falls Country Club. Tied for second, shooting 76, are Kanika Gandhi of Vermont National Country Club and Jojo Valente of Proctor-Pittsford Country Club. In third place is Tiffany Maurycy of Killington Golf Course, shooting a 77. And there is a three-way tie for fourth with 78, held by returning Champion Mia Politano of Ralph Myhre Golf Course, Reggie Parker of Ekwanok Country Club and Becky Montgelas of Ekwanok Country Club.

The Juniors in the field showed up strong with Kaylie Porter of 802 Golf Academy and Teegan Duffy of Rutland Country Club both shooting 79 and holding in a tie for 8th place overall. Other Juniors to watch are Taylor Moulton of Burlington Country Club who shot an 83, Namo Seibert of Cedar Knoll Country Club, who shot an 88, and Lillian Collins of Vermont National Country Club, shooting 90.

We’re looking forward to another beautiful Vermont day tomorrow, don’t miss the action!

Tee Sheet

Jen Steck
VSWGA Major Tournaments